Give up from work and travel around the world: the story of Canadian Sophie Turgeon

In the context of his great Instagram with amazing photos, the Canadian photographer Sophie Turgeon accept to talk with the argentinian newspaper Es De

In first place, she tell us the decision of giving up from his work to start travelling around the world.”Basically quit the only lifestyle you ever known” title while it we were talking.

In second place, she let us know which places she really loves it.And, make his TOP five.¿Which places are? Indonesia and Australia for example.

In third place, she revel if there is or not a secret of taking really amazing photos with incredibles places such as Perú, Indonesia and Australia.

Finally, she said if se like it o or not the Argentina and the kinf of people she known while travelling around the world.

1) ¿ How was the day u decided to give up your work and travel the word?

I always knew I wanted to make a world tour, so I saved money through the years. There is never a good time to leave everyone you know, leave your friends and family, leave your work, your pet, sell everything you own.

Basically quit the only lifestyle you have ever known. It is something you just have to do even if you never feel ready, even if it’s very hard. So no I wasn’t ready to make the move.

I just bought a plane ticket and opened a bottle of champagne because now, there was no turning back. I had to do it.

2) ¿Which was the best place u visited?

– I don’t know if there is a best place I’ve visited. I have favorite places for different reasons. I would say that my top five probably is 1- Indonesia 2-Australia 3-Brazil 4-Mexico 5-Peru 

3) Apart from travelling you take amazing photos, is there a secret for it?

There is no secret. You have to have a good eye for the framings and It takes practice. I bought my first camera with a manual mode 15 years ago.

 I started exploring the different settings. I didn’t know how it worked back then, I just tried everything and figured it out myself. I was already editing my photos on the computer.

Over the years I always tried to push my editing further to be better. I believe what sets me apart from others is photography style and my good eye for framing.

Everyone has their own style and have to find it. These days, most of the people don’t bother learning and create something beautiful. They just buy presets that will give a look to their photo in one click. So many people have the same looking kind of photos. It’s super boring.

4) ¿Are you planning to go to Argentina? Did you know our country?

– I went to Argentina already and loved it. Especially Patagonia. The mountains offers some breathtaking views. I even went to Tierra del Fuego.

5) ¿How is the people with you while you r travelling?

– I meet all sorts of people. From the tourist to the local people. Everyone is different. You learn so much from the different cultures and it open your mind to all sort of thinking and traditions. People make the travel you know. It’s the people you meet along the way that will make you grow, learn, laugh, cry, open you mind and create memories. Even from the bad people you will learn something that you can use in the future.

Instagram: Soturg


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